Contact us

What is it about ?


How do you want to contact us ?

Please note that follow-ups are done from Monday to Friday during office hours.
Please fill in the form below to send us your message.

First name:
Last name:
E-mail address:
Event or product:
Transaction number:
(You will find it on your receipt in the confirmation page)

Please DO NOT enter any credit card number or other sensitive information in your message.

Security code:

Please enter the 6 character code shown in the image below. If you cannot read the code, click the image to generate a new one.
Contact the box office at (819) 243-2525

Please have your confirmation which contains your transaction number handy, if possible.
Contact Réseau Ovation at 1-866-999-0089*
* No purchase can be done via this number

Our business hours are from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 16:30.
Please leave a detailed message including:
  • Your name
  • Your telephone number
  • The reason for your call

Thank you

Please have your confirmation which contains your transaction number handy, if possible.
Réseau Ovation inc.
2260 rue Demers, bureau 240
Drummondville (Québec) J2B 1V2
Point of Sale
855, boulevard de la Gappe
Gatineau (Québec) J8T 8H9

Our business hours are from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 16:30.
Please have your confirmation which contains your transaction number handy, if possible.